i am afraid of heights. oh, yes i am. and the more i feel there is a potential to fall and die the more scared i am (which actually sounds quite logical, no?). yet, i managed to push through my fear and climb up to this rather high cascade walk (about 30m).
the scariest part was climbing up the stairs. once on the walk way i could just look ahead while fiercely grasping those blue ropes and only occasionally looking out to take in the beautiful view.
unlike brave jordan, i tried not to look down.
and you can imagine how i felt when the next day we climbed this taller tower (43m). the photo isn't great, but i think you get the idea.
does this help?
anyway, i liked the second tower better because it was built around a big old kapok tree and just seemed to blend in with nature better. sitting up top was like being in a VERY tall tree house.
it is amazing how many plants live off of this tree. we saw some great birds from the towers...
are you getting sick of jungle photos yet? if not, i'll share the birds with you in the next few days.