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I too love being warm. I wore thermal today... even though the sun was shining, and everyone was in tshirts. For me, being cold is being cranky!


I too love being warm. I wore thermal today... even though the sun was shining, and everyone was in tshirts. For me, being cold is being cranky!

A Fanciful Twist

You are not old, but you should move to the beach :) The beach is good. A warm beach. With tropical drinks and floral tunics over floral bathing suits with ruffles :) Oh yes, that is what I am talking about....xxox


i want them all!


No, I'm totally with you, you're not old at all... or maybe you are and I am too?? xo lj


hi Risa,

i Haven't been to see you for ages.

I just bought a jacket..stylish and waterproof.. here in the northern part of Australia, jackets are rarely seen on for longer than 5 min. Too hot!


Those jackets are gorgeous, Topshop is probably my most favourite shop ever, I just cannot walk past without 'having a quick look' which usually ends with me being -£50.
I have to say that I'm quite the opposite - I hate wearing a coat. However I think thats just coz I don't really like any of my coats, if I had one of these things would be different!


My Bf read your comment last night that "Tuba's Rock!" and he thinks you're pretty cool! ;)

You should stop by the blog, for today I posted a treat!


My Bf read your comment last night that "Tuba's Rock!" and he thinks you're pretty cool! ;)

You should stop by the blog, for today I posted a treat!


Ha! I know what you mean! AND, I LOST my winter does that happen to an adult, a 3rd grader yes, but HOW did I lose my coat????


I love your taste in coats, I go for the unusual necklines and big buttons-look too.


look at all of those cute coats! xox

Bobbypin Bandit

I love jackets and coat!!! I am going to make some! I hope you have fun with your seester!

lisa s

oh my god. don't show me coats. you know i can't resist coats....



Coats... I love them. I'd wear them all year round if I could.


I have a variation of that first coat and it is *toasty*! Lined in brushed cotton so even though it's got a lightweight shell, it's plenty warm.

blaze Robertson

Yay!! Thank you for getting a penny playlist!! I am excited to send it to you!


im loving these top shop coats - very cute.
I hope you have a lovely time (knitting) with your sister xx


heehee... i think the same thing here in ny. even in florida really... on the few days when it gets cold people are in total denial and running around in their flip-flops. insane.
i love your coat selection :)

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