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Thank you for the link to a wonderful blog, and adorable dolls! (love their expressions)


I love the teeny creature and I really must go check out that blog - the dolls do look amazing!


Oh these are pretty amazing - i am off to follow the link..:)
Hope you are having a lovely weekend sweets xxx


Oh what wonderful dolls! I quite agree with the realistic but creepy idea though, I think it's the eye lids on takiyaje's dolls that do it!
Excellent links, thankyou for drawing my attention to them :D


Oh my gosh!! These are soooo cool! :) Thanks for showing us! I love them! I am off to go check her site out!

(And I totally agree with the grandma comment! :) Cool grandma pretty much sums up my taste!!)

lisa s

yeah. i'm a little creeped out. but in a good way....


Those *so* remind me of Blythe dolls!


That mouse sure is cute, though it's hard not to make a mouse cute, don't you think? xo lj

A Fanciful Twist

I loooooooooooove raw looking walls (below!!!) And youare sooooo right, this artist and her blog!! Did you see the mouse int he room??? I am smitten beyond words!!!! And, by the way, hi Miss Risa lovely!!!! xoxo


OH thank you so much for sharing her with us!!I love that wee mouse,gonna chech out her site right now!xoxo

Black-Eyed Suzie

I just love that little mouse by violet pie! And I found Takiyaje on livejournal a while ago...her work is just so lovely and sweet! You have excellent taste.


Her work is amazing...if you ever want to read blogs in a foreign language....use use online translators ALL the time...seems like more and more artists I'm interested in are either french or german...not 100% sure what language Takiyaje's blog is in but you can figure it out w/ babelfish(love that name!)

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