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lovely. sure! let's all take a field trip. enjoy the snow. i talked to one of my good friends in denver tonight. he said it's the perfect kind of snow. six inches and then the next day blue skies. xo


Your shoe taste is fabulous! I love those high heeled clogs so much!!


i want them all! but the brogues would probably be the most "practical" for my everyday. and sign me up for that trip to sweden, cuz have you seen the amazing scandinavian thift scores on wardrobe_remix??? first denver, then sweden.


Oh my, I love those red ones! If only I could wear such a heel and not suffer the inevitable back pain that follows a day of heels.


Wow! Those shoes are too cute!! I especially love the red ones, I love love red shoes, yes they are always good. When there is snow, high heels are at their best in my opinion! Those red shoes are beautiful for christmas!! Are you planning to buy them?? xxxx Les


But on our way to sweden we should make a stop in denmark to visit the shop of edith&ella ( and buy some of her beautiful heels.


OMG! I love every single pair of shoes you picked out. The red ones are my absolute fave. My passport is in hand, all jets are a go to Sweden!


These are all lovely - the top tango inspired shoes are my fav!!!
have fun slushing in the snow with heels haha!


get dancing in the snow my friend!!! Great taste. xx


OMG! Those shoes are stunning, I like the top ones, but the clogs are incredible - I'll be wearing them in my dreams tonight :)


High heeled clogs!! Love 'em!

we are going to the Freeze fashion event on Saturday at the air hanger at 2936 Larimer...sure to see some wonderful shoes!


Wow, they're amazing! All of them! I just bought a fabulous pair of green heels at the market for 5 euro (6,50 dollars!), sigh... Love your blog, by the way!


Yes, I'll come shopping with you any day, you have great taste! I especially love the red and black pair at the bottom.


Oh those red ones!!!it makes me want to click my heels and see autie Em!xoxo



Any time.


Looks like you're going to have quite the entourage to Sweden... Is there still room for one more? I'd love to come along.

lisa s

oh my god those red ones.


Those high heeled clogs are going to haunt me until I have my own pair. Oh. My. God. The awesomeness!


these are fabulous! i really love the high-heeled clogs.
i have been trying to get used to wearing heels lately... they're something that i like the idea of (especially the super fancy embellished ones!) but i am not so good at walking in them and i almost always wear flats... but for the job interviews/ receptions/ lawyerly stuff it is all about heels. then i went and had my new pants hemmed for heels and so i'm trapped :) so it is all about practice i guess.

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