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I'll remember to give that flick a wide berth when it/if it makes its way down here. We tend to be several months behind you guys, so I may need a little reminder.

see ya, grache


Her art pieces look very interesting, thanks for sharing.


I think I'll save my movie bucks and rent this one....

This work looks wonderful, will try to check this out!

Lauri Lynnxe Murphy

Wow, thanks for the great review! That is so cool! I've bookmarked your blog so I can visit again!


Because I'm crazy, I often go to to see how movies that intrigue me, but which I'll never watch, end. This one sounded *awfully* convoluted, even written in summarized short form.

And I love the Dr. Seussian plants.

lisa s

risa - i think you should be a curator! :)

A Fanciful Twist

Thanks for the movie heads up! Wowsa, glad I didn't catch it, I totally trust your judgment! As for the art, it is fantastic!!!!


Oh I love that art! That mixed media painting is amazing! It's brilliant with that little piece of a math in it in the left corner!

And I never saw that movie, I heard of it and that it was good, but now you said it's bad I'm really not sure if it's any good. I trust your opinion but maybe I'll just wacth it for sure and see how bad it is so we can hate it together hehe...

Hope you have a nice week!


I was planning to see that movie, now you saved me $12 bucks!! thank you!


Is that contraption a time machine? Looks like a fun exhibition, and sounds much better than your movie. xo lj


i'm glad i didn't go see that movie then! i've seen a lot of bad ones lately. thanks risa:)


Love the collage! The color palette is very pleasing to me! :)

Veronica TM

i hadn't even heard of that movie. i guess that comes from having a 2 year old, no?
i love that collage!

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