for some reason this collage fits my mood on this day of mourning for those who were killed in the virginia tech shootings. i think it's the idea of sprinkling flowers.
i want to participate in the moment of silence at noon, but as i will be alone i am not sure if it will count.
on a different note, does anyone have any advice for how this sculpture could be safely packaged and mailed?
i was thinking maybe wrapping newspaper around the small parts to hold them in place and then wrapping the whole thing in bubble wrap? what do you think?
can you believe valeria had emailed me to tell me she wanted to meet up in argentina and give me this laundry lady and i was stupid enough not to check my email? the generosity of people i've met through blogging helps me remember that there still is a lot of good in this world.
Well welcome home and thanks for your thoughts on the rough events of this week. I didn´t write about it on my blog, falling back on the typical, i didn´t know what to say. From here it seems completely surreal to me.
Posted by: Claudia | April 20, 2007 at 09:04 AM
the newspaper + bubble wrap sounds good to me. or maybe really small foam peanuts if you can find them?
it has been a really difficult week... so much painful news... virginia and then the ongoing, devastating news from iraq that seems to get worse each day. i have been thinking a lot these past days about violence, death, grief and mourning, and how we handle/process these things... how to find moments of peace... the legacies of grief we carry with us. xo
Posted by: amisha | April 20, 2007 at 10:33 AM
Beautiful post, very thought-provoking. Sprinkling flowers around the world is much needed right now, in times of shock and mourning. I love the Laundry lady, the good is to be treasured and remembered daily.
Posted by: cruststation | April 20, 2007 at 11:31 AM
this week has been quiet here too - beginning with Holocaust day and next week we have rememberance day...always so sad. I can never get my head around the tragedies happening in this world.
LOVE laundry woman - i would try bubble wrap and peanuts...
Posted by: julie | April 20, 2007 at 11:57 AM
right now a world covered in flowers sounds just about right.
the think about packing is that you don't want things to move. i would avoid newspaper as it might bleed onto the piece? tissue paper around the small items... then bubble... then peanuts [or newspaper] and double box. if you cushion a small box in the middle of a bigger one - less rattling... which means less breakage....
and the lemonade from below. um... yum!
Posted by: lisa s | April 20, 2007 at 01:20 PM
I think as long as your intentions are pure, it counts.
You could always float the item in a box of those styrofoam popcorns.
Posted by: sarah | April 20, 2007 at 06:35 PM
Hey, i am glad you are back... too. Not knowing you at all i really missed my daily muertoderisa blog update... funny thing. I found your blog 2 month ago googling "Julie Arkell" and seeing your entry today i remembered that i found another shop with dolls by Julie. So i send you the link:
Posted by: sissT | April 21, 2007 at 05:03 AM
I am not sure if you shipped this little girl or not, but you should use toilet paper to wrap her up, then cover her in a layer or two of tissue paper, and then bubble wrap. I used to work for a shop in Tucson and we would ship lovely breakable items in toilet paper to ensure they did not break. So, take toilet paper and stuff enough between her legs so that there is no space for them to break, if they were to break, then wrap her little arms very gently. Then use the tissue to wrap all around her, then bubble wrap. She should be safe that way! BTW, your wrapping paper is in the mail!!! I sent it yesterday, hopefully you will get it in 6 days the way the post office lady said it will!!
Posted by: KSV | April 21, 2007 at 10:46 AM
oh the laundry lady is too cute - how nice to meet up with a blogging friend! love this warm community...its what we need in our world right now!
Your collage is sweet...
Posted by: Anastasia | April 22, 2007 at 04:03 AM
Loved your collage and the sculpture!
If only we could sprinkle the world with flowers!!!!! What a beautiful thought from a truly beautiful individual
Posted by: mom | April 22, 2007 at 09:30 AM
Just popped over from Vanessa's, your collage is beautiful (as is your blog) and a lovely tribute in the wake of such tragedy.
Posted by: carolyn | April 22, 2007 at 10:14 AM
instead of news paper I would use tissue paper on the smallest parts, then a layer of newspaper, then bubble wrap.
Posted by: stilettoheights | April 23, 2007 at 06:05 AM
i love your collage and your intention with it. the world really needs to look at the flowers more.
Posted by: Veronica TM | April 23, 2007 at 10:53 AM
I love the sculpture as well as the colors and intent of the collage.
Your pics of Buenos Aires are gorgeous as well. So much beauty in one spot!
Posted by: ambika | April 26, 2007 at 10:28 AM