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« buenos aires food and wine part 1: for meat lovers | Main | i'd like to cover the world in flowers »



When I saw the title of the post, I thought "NO! Bring back the meat!" But then I read and looked and savored. Those are some good looking plates of food. Avocado and eggs, all the good stuff. Vegetarian bounty!

Veronica TM

i've never been there, it looks like one of those little treasures that ba has to offer, and it takes a little bit of work to discover, which makes it even better.
as you can imagine, i am LOVING your posts about ba, risa!


i love them veggies too, yo.

Julia MacRobbie

Oh, YUM. Potatos, avocado, corn, and eggs? My favorite things!!


Hhhmmm! Great! I don't love the big restaurants that cry out to anybody who doesn't want to know, that they have got the best food ( mostly they don't...) I love those little treasures!
Do you remember the spices of the potato- salad? One of my favorite vegetables!!


This looks almost as good as the steak!!


Welcome back, Risa! I've so missed your posts... and I'm eager to see more of Buenos Aires through your eyes.
take care, g xo


heehee, i also do that with rami - we decide how we would convert places to live in!!!!!! Sounds delicious too!! xxx




man, Id love to vist Buenos Aires one day...ever since being addicted to the Argentinian soap Rosa de lejos
as a child...
everything looks yummy here - fresh and good!


it all looks so good... great food (ahh fresh guac!) and an intriguing environment. those types of unique places are always the best!


More delicious food photos Mmm! Wonderful place, how cozy and hearty. Is that you in the polka dot top? cool :)


oh how wonderful. i love how you had to "knock hard". seems like this was a perfect lunch. xo

simple me

This is my kind of place. I know now where to go if ever I'm in BA.

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