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susan friedman

Love reading your blog and I am always delighted to see how we love te same things. I guess there is a truth to how we are impacted by our genes!!
Found the Fiber Arts magazine and was excited to see your picture


I sleep until 9am. Even though that is entirely too late for a weekday.


Would be lovely to climb into that bed...I can just feel the sheets!

I read Susan's comment above, please share the fiber arts photos (or point me to it)


In Ecuador, I would wake up at dawn every morning, make coffee with my moka, and get back in bed for an hour with a book. It was great. If I really needed the motivation to get out of bed, I would make pancakes for breakfast, two of which went to my dog.

In the states, it's yoga classes, breakfast at Lula cafe or Letizia's, nice soap. Wandering through Whole Foods or the bookstore.


So cute online-shops....I'll try that shower thing, sounds so tempting idea. :)


Hey sweetie! I like to pamper myself by ordering sushi and Sapphoro for delivery, and eating it in bed while watching episodes of Alias. Yum (both the sushi and Michael Vartan...)!


I wish fabric was available at emery et cie! I'd never heard of it until today but how wonderful are the colors and shadows?

I spoil myself with...garbanzo beans in everything, new shoes, and hot water bottles under my feet in bed.


my pampering begins with a latte and reading all my favorite blogs, yours included,
and just vegging in front of the tv watching movies.


you should be spoiled and pampered by everyone,you are such a sweetie xoxo


snooze button!


cafe breakfast - cooked.

fabric and yarn shopping.

going back to bed.

Makes life worth living.


I love emercy & cie, absolutely want everything on the website! Great links, nice to see Paula and Vanessa being featured again. Please show us your picture from the Fiber Arts magazine!


I've been stalking vanessa's shop too!!!!


I too love taking a shower, feeling all dewy and fresh and while my hair is not too wet...And I still have that morning coolness on my freshly showered skin, I love crawling back into my bed. I splurge on sheets and towels. My mom taught me to always find a way to do this. To have really nice towels and sheets no matter what. And you know, it has always made a huge difference...It gives you such a luxurious feeling. No matter how life might be treating you, you can crawl into your little home, and engulf yourself in your nice sheets...I am pretty over the top at spoiling myself sometimes...Although, I am such a country girl in Catalina, that I think I balance myself...But, I still have nice sheets!! Hee heee


I make delicious meals, for myself alone or for family and friends :-)
Or I read a good book.


emery et cie looks wonderful!
spoiling myself - pedicures, cappucino breaks, art supplies, new shoes....


nearly every time, I read a blog, I learn something new: to spoil sth.= to ruin sth.
Up to now this has been the only meaning of the word I knew.........
Strange connection......
I wake up early every morning and spoiling myself never means staying in or getting back to bed but going outside, having the first coffee with the birds, write down some words that just popped to my head, doodle on paper,
a kind of mind-stretching. It works only in the morning......


One thing I adore is on the weekend to go the market and collect a pile of lovely fruit and then come home to make an enormous fruit salad and other yummy things for a long, liesurely brunch :)


After all of my 6 boys are in there rooms, I take a nice shower and make me tea and start blogging or emailing my friends back, it really does relax me, and sometimes i put old cd's and start dancing with my husband.(lol) we have a great time.


to spoil myself... hmmm... sleep late and stay in bed long after rising, enjoying the light... sit on the porch with a stack of magazines and a cup of coffee... take my watch off and go into my study to sew... bake yummy treats... and like brenda's comment above, crank up the 80s tunes and have dance party usa with e :) writing this made me realize that i need some spoiling right now!


Me too, me too... I love to crawl back into bed post shower. Such a treat! And, of course, loving Paula's new shop too.
see you, g

Veronica TM

wonderful shops! right now, with a one year old, having time to sit and sip my tea feels like spoiling myself. another one is buying fabric and supplies.

simple me

Thanks so much for featuring me on this post. It makes me really happy that you like my site :)
Emery and Cie is fantastic!

Sit back, close my eyes and dream...

Gina Santos :)

hi girl!... well, i'd really like to have a bed like this because i like a lot to sleep until 10 on weekends... i'll try the links to know more about online shops...
Saludos desde México!!!

Julia MacRobbie

My god, that emery et cie site is luscious. I like how they point out how all their goods are made to be wear resistant! In this world of cheap crap that falls apart after a year, I'm amazed by the idea of delicate, pretty looking things that actually last! Quality. Hmm...spoiling: I think I spoil myself in many ways, probably too much. My favorites: purchasing and eating frozens for dinner instead of cooking, buying products for my skin, and buying myself things I don't need on Etsy! Like the other day I spent $56 (!) on a handmade amigurumi doll...she's precious. ;)

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