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Hi there Risa,
So many flicks I have not seen but will now hunt out... with Elsa & Fred at the top of my list.
This posting makes me want to head to the flicks to sit in the dark and just watch... with popcorn too (of course).
take care, g
(P.S. And I hope you like your package, and that it arrives safe & sound. December is such a long way away!)


Hi Risa, I'll definitely do this meme in a couple of days since I just posted(probably along with that book meme that's going around. I also love A Christmas's so brilliant, both kids and parents love it. And I wish they had Elsa and Fred in english!! It's appropriate for me right now as my grandmother, Louise, lives in a housing complex for seniors. She recently fell in love with *her* neighbor on her hall, a 95 year old man (who graduated from Harvard she brags). He writes her love letters and she gets all giggly when she talks about him. So I really wish I could show her this movie! Something about knowing you're both going to leave this earth soon (like in the next few years) makes love that much more intense it seems.


risa introduced me to harold and maude, and i secretly thank her everyday for it. :)


So many films, so little time. I'm just glad we got smart and invested in Netflix!


what wonderful comments!

grache - popcorn really is a must! we also try to limit our regular soda intake so we can have it at the movies too. crunching and sipping is part of the fun. :)

julia - what a beautiful story about your grandmother. i love how new love at any age can make one feel like a teenager. and you are right about a christmas story. we would watch it at least once every year (often more than once thanks to the marathon on some cable channel i can't currently remember), often with old friends of ours.

jill - you made me blush. :)

yah - i know! especially when there are so many that are worth watching more than once.

Monica Andrade

Hola Risa, que tal!?
Last movie I saw?! don't remember...It was a long time ago for sure! What I do remember is that growing up we used to go and see a lot of latinamerican movies, with the top latin popstar of the moment as the protagonist, silly love stories full of music!. They were mainly from Argentina, Spain or Mexico. I wish I have the chance to see more contemporary cinema from Latinamerica, as the movie industry has improved a lot, I think even Ecuadorian cinema is improving... which is always a good thing.
P.S. Thanks for your comment...If you ever want an original outfit, remember me, with one condition: give me plenty of time to make it :)


hola monica! thanks for YOUR comment. i agree that latinamerican cinema is improving...we've seen a number of really good argentinian and chilean movies. and there are a lot of great mexican movies. have you seen que tan lejos? i wonder what you think about it.


Ohhh !! no sabés lo feliz que me hace que nuestro cine traspase las fronteras y nada menos que con China Zorrila (Elsa y Fred) que es una genia!, muy muy buena.
Voy a verla actuar en una obra de teatro este fin de semana.
Besos desde Argentina


Hola Risa! gracias por visitar mi blog! hoy recibí tu mensaje, la obra es mañana domingoi asique el lues te cuento como estuvo.
China Zorrilla es Uruguaya pero para nosotros ya es argentina y a su edad sigue siendo la mejor! Elsa y Fred es muy tierna, es una historia para recordar.
bueno, ya te contaré de que se trata esta.


Hi Risa,
Somewhere at my parents place is video evidence of my brother, my cousin and I all dressing up and singing out sections of Annie... I've kept this a secret for so many years. But when you admitted to the same history... I thought it only fare to put up my hand as well.
Cheers LJ


cecilia - hola! ahhh...ella es de uruguay. creo que los uruguayos tambien son un poco dificil para entender. :) besitos***

louise - don't worry i won't tell anyone ;). hee hee. if you had any idea how poorly i sing you would know how very embarassing it would be if my tape ever got into the wrong hands.

simple me

It's always very difficult for me to decide on favourite movies.
I like so many for so many different reasons that I just can't say which ones were the best, the most inspirational, the...
I haven't been to the cinema for a while but I love it. Hopefully now that I'm going to live in a bigger city I should be able to go to the cinema more often.

Veronica TM

I will have to add some things to my netflix list. I love China Zorrilla.
And we have our tickets already! We'll be in Argentina from nov. 14 till dec. 12, I am so excited!

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