About three years ago I attended a public health conference in Philadelphia. After listening to talks for several days straight I decided to head out of the conference center and explore the city. I walked south and came upon magical mosaics that were so beautiful that I immediately called Jordan to let him know what he was missing. I bought a disposable camera from the nearby CVS and quickly finished the roll, as there was a different mosaic in every direction. Eventually, I came upon an older man and woman and after observing my awe at this art they introduced themselves. Turns out the man was the artist, the fascinating Isaiah Zagar. He took me on tour that ended up at his house which was completely covered, inside and out, floor to ceiling in his whimsical mosaics. It was one of the most incredible sights I have ever seen.
Jordan and I ended up taking a workshop with him several months later. And after living in South America for several months I can see how Isaiah was influenced by his time in the Peace Corps in Peru. I now love mosaicing. I find it super relaxing and great for group projects.
Here's a photo of a project I completed with some friends that is now hanging in a community garden/park in Brooklyn (it's an abstract nature scene with a mirror tree):
I haven't attempted to buy mosaicing supplies in Quito, although I could probably find them. Lately, I've been missing it so I might try. I'm inspired by some of the beautiful work I've found online:
Artists clockwise from upper left (at least on my computer): Laurel True, Irina Charney (2), the wacky Ricky Boscarino (in the tub), and Carol Bevilaqua (with her tribute to the iron!).
I walked past your mosaic the other day. It's still up and as beautiful as ever! However, it's settling into the scenery--there are some vines growing up its right-hand side now. At first I thought, "Someone should prune those so they don't obscure the mosaic." And then I changed my mind, because it's kinda nice; it makes it look like it was made to be there. :)
Posted by: jillypickle | November 22, 2005 at 11:21 AM
They are truely beautiful mosiacs yours included. How lucky to have met the artist.
Posted by: jackie | November 22, 2005 at 08:55 PM
i feel like i know you! your blog is wonderful. thank you for carson ellis' site. i love it so. are you in ecuador?
Posted by: mati | November 23, 2005 at 11:52 AM
oh yes, i have seen them too! that's so great to have randomly met the artist. it's so nice to stumble across his work on random buildings around here!
Posted by: Joy | November 24, 2005 at 09:19 AM
Holy Mosaics!! Fantastic- so California..But in Philly? Hmm.. like Bottle Village and Watts Towers and other whole landscapes up in the Hollywood Hills. NICE-- I don't see stuff like this out in New York.. COOL...wish he was close by.. I would love to see it in person..
Posted by: Lou Patrou | August 25, 2006 at 02:41 PM